英文版: Simplify the overall structure, provide a more specific description of the event process, and add personal emotions. 中文版: 精简整体结构,对事件过程进行更具体的描述,增添个人情感。
英文版: Rewrite the above text. The writing style should balance between formal academic writing and conversational expression. Ensure that every sentence has a clear subject. Avoid using long or complex sentences. Use short sentences as much as possible. 中文版: 将以上文字重新修改,写作风格界于书面学术写作和口语描述之间。保证所有的句子都要有主语,不要用复杂的长难句,尽量用短句输出。替换掉所有的非日常词汇。
英文版: Replace all transition words and conjunctions in the sentences with the most basic and commonly used ones.Use simple expressions,avoiding complex vocabulary.Ensure the logical connections between sentences are clear.Deletes the conclusion part in the end of the text. 中文版: 将所有的句子过渡词和连接词替换为最基础、最常用的词语。尽量使用简单、直接的表达方式,避免使用复杂或生僻的词汇。确保句子之间的逻辑关系清晰。删掉文未总结的部分。
提高 [XX] 主题论文的语言表达清晰度,去除多余和含糊的措辞,增进文章的易读性。Enhance the clarity of language in papers addressing the [XX] theme, removing superfluous and vague phrases to improve the readability of the article.
描述数据整理中的标准流程和规范操作,以保障数据的一致性和可对比性。Detail the standard procedures and normative operations in data organization to ensure consistency and comparability of data.
在制定论文提纲时,需考虑学科特性,保证结构既符合学术标准也适应读者习惯。While formulating the thesis outline, consider the characteristics of the discipline to ensure the structure adheres to academic standards and reader conventions.