[主题] 的数据流肖像,他们的肖像从流动的代码行和二进制序列中浮现出来。数据流使用鲜艳的 [COLOR1] ,背景使用对比强烈的 [COLOR2] ,突出算法之美。示例: [阿尔伯特-爱因斯坦] 的数据流肖像,他们的相似之处从流动的代码行和二进制序列中显现出来。数据流使用充满活力的 [金黄色] ,背景使用对比鲜明的 [海军蓝] ,突出算法之美。--ar 3:2 A Data Stream Portrait of Albert Einstein, where their likeness emerges from flowing lines of code and binary sequences. Use a vibrant Golden Yellow for the data streams and a contrasting Navy Blue for the background, highlighting the beauty of algorithms. --ar 3:2
主体: [探险家通过时间机器穿越(Subject: Explorer traveling through a time machine) ] 环境: [时空漩涡,周围是不同时代的场景碎片(Environment: Time-space vortex with fragments of scenes from different eras)] 风格: [科幻冒险风(Style: Sci-fi adventure style) 媒介:[插画(Medium: Illustration)] 构图: [全身特写,探险家在时间机器中(Composition: Full-body close-up, explorer inside the time machine)] 灯光色彩: [神秘的蓝紫色光芒,突出时间旅行的神秘感(Lighting/Color: Mysterious blue-purple glow highlighting the mystery of time travel) ] 质量细节: [8k超高清画质,细节丰富,时间机器质感真实,时空漩涡动态自然(Quality: 8k ultra-high-definition quality, rich in details, with realistic time machine texture and natural dynamics of the time-space vortex)] 命令: [--style 5(Command: --style 5)]
主体: [飞行汽车在摩天大楼间穿梭(Subject: Flying cars navigating between skyscrapers)] 环境: [未来城市,高楼林立,天空中有悬浮的广告牌(Environment: Future city with skyscrapers and floating billboards in the sky)] 风格: [赛博朋克风(Style: Cyberpunk style)] 媒介: [插画(Medium: Illustration)] 构图: [全景构图,展现城市的繁华与科技感(Composition: Panoramic composition highlighting the prosperity and technological sense of the city)] 灯光色彩: [霓虹灯的多彩光芒,突出赛博朋克氛围(Lighting/Color: Colorful neon lights highlighting the cyberpunk atmosphere)] 质量细节: [8k超高清画质,细节丰富,建筑玻璃反射逼真,飞行汽车动态自然(Quality: 8k ultra-high-definition quality, rich in details, with realistic building glass reflections and natural dynamics of flying cars)] 命令: [--style 5(Command: --style 5)]
主体: [高耸的山峰和深邃的峡谷(Subject: Towering mountains and deep canyons)] 环境: [清晨的阳光洒在山峰上,峡谷中弥漫着薄雾(Environment: Morning sunlight on mountain peaks with mist in canyons)] 风格: [写实摄影风(Style: Realistic photographic style)] 媒介: [插画(Medium: Illustration)] 构图: [全景构图,展现山峰和峡谷的壮丽(Composition: Panoramic composition showcasing the grandeur of mountains and canyons)] 灯光色彩: [温暖的晨光,突出自然的色彩(Lighting/Color: Warm morning light highlighting natural colors)] 质量细节: [8k超高清画质,细节丰富,山石纹理清晰,雾气层次分明(Quality: 8k ultra-high-definition quality, rich in details, with clear rock textures and distinct雾气layers)] 命令: [--style 5(Command: --style 5)]
主体:[沉思的哲人(Subject: Philosopher in contemplation) 环境:[古老的图书馆,书籍满架(Environment: Ancient library with bookshelves filled with books) 风格:[古典绘画风(Style: Classical painting style) 媒介:[插画(Medium: Illustration) 构图:[半身特写,哲人坐在书桌前(Composition: Half-body close-up, philosopher sitting at a desk) 灯光色彩:[柔和的烛光,突出沉思氛围(Lighting/Color: Soft candlelight highlighting the contemplative atmosphere) 质量细节:[8k超高清画质,细节丰富,书籍纹理清晰,面部表情深沉(Quality: 8k ultra-high-definition quality, rich in details, with clear book textures and deep facial expressions) 命令:[--style 5(Command: --style 5)
主体: [漂浮在空中的城堡(Subject: Castle floating in the sky)] 环境: [梦幻的天空,色彩斑斓(Environment: Dreamy sky with colorful hues)] 风格: [超现实主义风(Style: Surrealism style)] 媒介: [插画(Medium: Illustration)] 构图: [全景构图,展现城堡的奇幻(Composition: Panoramic composition showcasing the fantasy of the castle)] 灯光色彩: [柔和的梦幻色彩,突出奇幻氛围(Lighting/Color: Soft dreamy colors highlighting the fantasy atmosphere)] 质量细节: [8k超高清画质,细节丰富,城堡建筑细节复杂,天空色彩过渡自然(Quality: 8k ultra-high-definition quality, rich in details, with complex castle architecture and natural sky color transitions)] 命令: [--style 5(Command: --style 5)]
主体: [身着古代服饰的历史人物(Subject: Historical figure in ancient clothing)] 环境: [古代建筑背景,如宫殿或庙宇(Environment: Ancient architectural background such as palace or temple)] 风格: [古典绘画风(Style: Classical painting style)] 媒介: [插画(Medium: Illustration)] 构图: [半身特写,人物位于画面中心(Composition: Half-body close-up, figure positioned at the center of the frame)] 灯光色彩: [柔和的自然光,突出人物的庄重(Lighting/Color: Soft natural light emphasizing the solemnity of the figure)] 质量细节: [8k超高清画质,细节丰富,服饰纹理精细,面部表情生动(Quality: 8k ultra-high-definition quality, rich in details, with intricate clothing textures and vivid facial expressions)] 命令: [--style 5(Command: --style 5)]
主体: [穿着职业装的医生(Subject: Doctor in professional attire)] 环境: [现代化医院病房(Environment: Modern hospital ward)] 风格: [写实摄影风(Style: Realistic photographic style)] 媒介: [插画(Medium: Illustration)] 构图: [半身特写,医生正在查看病历(Composition: Half-body close-up, doctor reviewing medical records)] 灯光色彩: [明亮的室内光线,突出专业氛围(Lighting/Color: Bright indoor lighting highlighting the professional atmosphere)] 质量细节: [8k超高清画质,细节丰富,服装质感真实,医疗设备细节清晰(Quality: 8k ultra-high-definition quality, rich in details, with realistic clothing texture and clear medical equipment details)] 命令: [--style 5(Command: --style 5)]
主体: [古代青铜器(Subject: Ancient bronze artifact)] 环境: [博物馆展示柜,背景简洁(Environment: Museum display cabinet with simple background)] 风格: [历史写实风(Style: Historical realism style)] 媒介: [插画(Medium: Illustration)] 构图: [特写镜头,青铜器占据画面中心(Composition: Close-up shot, bronze artifact centered in the frame)] 灯光色彩: [柔和的博物馆灯光,突出文物的历史感(Lighting/Color: Soft museum lighting highlighting the historical sense of the artifact)] 质量细节: [8k超高清画质,细节丰富,青铜器纹理精细,历史痕迹清晰(Quality: 8k ultra-high-definition quality, rich in details, with intricate bronze texture and clear historical marks)] 命令: [--style 5(Command: --style 5)]
主体: [名画《星空》(Subject: Famous painting "Starry Night")] 环境: [美术馆展厅,背景是简洁的白色墙壁(Environment: Art gallery exhibition hall with simple white walls)] 风格: [艺术再现风(Style: Artistic reproduction style)] 媒介: [插画(Medium: Illustration)] 构图: [全景构图,展现画作的全貌(Composition: Panoramic composition showcasing the entire artwork)] 灯光色彩: [柔和的美术馆灯光,突出画作的色彩(Lighting/Color: Soft gallery lighting highlighting the colors of the artwork)] 质量细节: [8k超高清画质,细节丰富,画布纹理清晰,色彩还原准确(Quality: 8k ultra-high-definition quality, rich in details, with clear canvas texture and accurate color reproduction)] 命令: [--style 5(Command: --style 5)]
主体: [广袤的沙漠和绿洲(Subject: Vast desert and oasis)] 环境: [烈日炎炎,绿洲中水波荡漾(Environment: Scorching sun with rippling water in oasis)] 风格: [超现实主义风(Style: Surrealism style)] 媒介: [插画(Medium: Illustration)] 构图: [全景构图,展现沙漠和绿洲的对比(Composition: Panoramic composition highlighting the contrast between desert and oasis)] 灯光色彩: [强烈的阳光,突出沙漠的金黄色调(Lighting/Color: Intense sunlight highlighting the golden tones of the desert)] 质量细节: [8k超高清画质,细节丰富,沙粒质感细腻,绿洲植被清晰(Quality: 8k ultra-high-definition quality, rich in details, with细腻的沙粒texture and clear oasis vegetation)] 命令: [--style 5(Command: --style 5)]
主体: [茂密的森林和宁静的湖泊(Subject: Dense forest and tranquil lake)] 环境: [阳光透过树梢,湖面波光粼粼(Environment: Sunlight filtering through tree tops with sparkling lake surface)] 风格: [奇幻冒险风(Style: Fantasy adventure style)] 媒介: [插画(Medium: Illustration)] 构图: [全景构图,展现森林和湖泊的神秘(Composition: Panoramic composition showcasing the mystery of forest and lake)] 灯光色彩: [柔和的自然光,突出宁静的氛围(Lighting/Color: Soft natural light emphasizing tranquility)] 质量细节: [8k超高清画质,细节丰富,树木纹理清晰,湖水倒影逼真(Quality: 8k ultra-high-definition quality, rich in details, with clear tree textures and realistic lake reflections)] 命令: [--style 5(Command: --style 5)]
主体: [高耸的山峰和深邃的峡谷(Subject: Towering mountains and deep canyons)] 环境: [清晨的阳光洒在山峰上,峡谷中弥漫着薄雾(Environment: Morning sunlight on mountain peaks with mist in canyons)] 风格: [写实摄影风(Style: Realistic photographic style)] 媒介: [插画(Medium: Illustration)] 构图: [全景构图,展现山峰和峡谷的壮丽(Composition: Panoramic composition showcasing the grandeur of mountains and canyons)] 灯光色彩: [温暖的晨光,突出自然的色彩(Lighting/Color: Warm morning light highlighting natural colors)] 质量细节: [8k超高清画质,细节丰富,山石纹理清晰,雾气层次分明(Quality: 8k ultra-high-definition quality, rich in details, with clear rock textures and distinct雾气layers)] 命令: [--style 5(Command: --style 5)]